Showing posts with label A triangle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A triangle. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Solve Online Geometry Problems

Introduction to solve geometry problems online:

Geometry is one of the important topics in math which includes the study of all kinds of shapes and their properties. Points is one of the basics of geometry. There is no length, height or width.  Points have  four main properties that is exact location, dot, node and ordered pair. Geometry deals with plane geometry, solid geometry. Let us see about solve online geometry word problems.

Solve the geometry word problems online

Q 1: A triangle has a perimeter of 78. If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side is 6 more than the equal sides, what is the length of the third side?


Step 1: Let us take Y is the length of the equal sides of triangle

So, the third side of the triangle is Y+6

Step 2:  Perimeter is derived by sum of three sides on triangle.

Step 3: To Plug in the values of above problems.

78= Y+Y+(Y + 6)

Then Combine the similar terms
78 = 3y + 6

3y = 78 – 6
3y = 72
y =24

That is the third side is 6 more than the equal sides.

So, the length of third side = 24 + 6 =30

I have recently faced lot of problem while learning Geometry Pythagorean Theorem, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

More examples to solve geometry word problems online

Q 2 : The perimeter of a rectangle is 1000 meters and its length L is 6 times its width W. Find W and L, and the area of the rectangle.


Step 1: Using formula for perimeter of the rectangle.

2 L + 2 W = 1000 ----------- (1)

Step 2: Here the length (L) of rectangle is 6 times more than its width (W)

L = 6 W --------------------- (2)

Step 3: To plug L value in the equation (1).

2(6 W) + 2 W = 1000

Step 4: 12W+W=1000
14 W = 1000

Step 5: Now Find the value of W.

W = 1000 / 14

W = 71.42 meters

Step 6: To plug W value in to equation (2)
L = 6 W

= 6 * 71.42 meters

= 428.57 meters

Step 7:  Area of a rectangle = L * W

L * W = 428.57 * 71.42

= 30608.57 meters 2.