Thursday, October 4, 2012

Polar Equation Cartesian

Introduction on polar equation Cartesian :

Polar Equations:

The polar equation system is a two-dimensional equation system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a fixed point and an angle from a fixed direction.

Cartesian Coordinates:

A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length.

Complex Form of Polar Equation Cartesian:
A complex number is of the form x + iy, where x, y belongs to R and 'i' is called imaginary unit (i = `sqrt(-1)` )

Let z = x+ iy,

Real part of z = Re(z) = x, and imaginary part of z = Im(z) = y.

The point (2, 8) written as 2 + 8i. Cartesian form are used to solve non linear shallow -water equations on the sphere.

Let, z1 = a + ib; z2 = c + id

z1 = z2; a = c; b = d.

Sinz = Sin (a+ib)

= Sina Cos hb + iCosa Sin hb

Cosz = Cos (a+ib)

= Cosa Cos hb  - iSina Sin hb

Sinz = Cosz

Sina Cos hb = Cosa Cos hb

Cosa Sin hb = Sina Sin hb

I am planning to write more post on geometric probability formula, combination probability formula. Keep checking my blog.

Steps for Solving Polar Equation Cartesian:

The following steps are used to solve from Cartesian form to polar form,

Find the value of mod(z), | z | = `sqrt(x^2 + y^2)`

Find the `theta` value by using `tan theta = (y)/(x)`

Find q in radians.

By writing the equation in polar form, `z = r(cos theta + i sin theta)`.

Example for Solving Polar Equation Cartesian:

Question: Solve z = 1 + i in polar form.

Solution:  1) r = | z | = `sqrt(1^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(1 + 1) = sqrt2`

2) `tan theta = ` `1 / 1`  => `theta = ` 45°

3) `theta = (pi)/(4)`

4) The polar form is, z = r (`cos theta + i sin theta` )

=> z = `sqrt(2)(cos (pi /4) + sin(pi/4))`

The Polar form of z = 1 + i is, z = `sqrt(2)(cos (pi /4) + sin (pi/4))`

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