Showing posts with label Geometry Theorem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geometry Theorem. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Geometry Theorem List

Geometry is the study of shapes and configurations. It attempt to understand and classify spaces in various mathematical contexts. For a space with lot of symmetries the study naturally focuses on properties which are invariant (remaining the same) under the symmetries. Other type of geometry-In general, any mathematical construction which has a notion of curvature falls under the study of geometry.

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Examples of Geometry Theorem List

Differential geometry: which is the  natural extension of calculus and linear algebra and is known simplest form of vector calculus
Algebraic geometry: This studies objects defined by polynomial equations. This is vital to recent solution is  many difficult problem in number theory, such as the finiteness of solutions to the polynomial equations considered in Fermat's Last Theorem.
Semi-Riemannian geometry: which Einstein is used to study the four dimensional geometry of space and time.
Simplistic geometry: which originated with the study of the evolution of simple mechanical systems, but now pervades all aspects of theoretical physics.

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Lines of Geometry Theorem List

Lines  A line is one of the basic terms in geometry. We may think of a line is a "straight" line that we might draw with a ruler on a piece of paper, except that in geometry, a line extends forever in both directions. We write the name of  line  is passing through two different points A and B as "line AB" or as the two-headed arrow over AB signifying a line passing through points A and B. Points-A point is one of the basic terms in geometry. We may think of a point as a "dot" on a piece of paper. We identify this point with a number or letter. A point has no length or width. It just specifies an exact location. Intersection The term intersect is used when lines, rays, line segments or figures meet, that is, they share a common point. The point they share is called the point of intersection. We say that these figures intersect.