Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Solving 5th Grade Geometry Problems

Introduction to 5th Grade geometry problems:

Geometric is construction of object form given measurement.5th grade geometry contains the topic of  Understanding what is meant by point, line, and plane Identifying acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles as well as complementary angles, supplementary angles, and vertical angles Identifying parallel lines and perpendicular lines. 5th grade geometric contains the content of triangle, square, circle, rectangle, used to finding the area and volume of the given figure.

Solving Example problems in 5th grade geometry:

5th grade geometry Problems in angle:

Example 1:

1. Which of the following can be the angles of a triangle?

(a)90°, 45°, 55° (b)30°, 70°, 80°(c) 45°, 80°, 50°


(a)Sum of the three angles = 90° + 45° + 55° = 190° > 180°

Hence, these cannot be the angles of a triangle.

(b)Sum of the three angles = 30° + 70° + 80° = 180°

Hence, these can be the angles of a triangle.

(c)Sum of the three angles = 45° + 80° + 50° = 175° < 180°

Hence, these cannot be the angles of a triangle.

5th grade geometry Example Problems :

Example 2:

2. find the area of the triangle, its base =4cm and height =6cm?


Area of triangle=1/2(Base * height)




Problems in square:

A square is a closed figure made up of four line segments

Its side lengths are equal.

Area of square =(side * side)

Perimeter of square =4*side

Having problem with Volume of a Pyramid keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

5th grade geometry Example Problems :

Example 3:

3.Find the area and perimeter of  square which side length is 5?


Side of the square=5m

The perimeter of the floor is given by P= 4×side

=4×5m = 20m

Thus, the perimeter is 20 m.

Area =side * side



Problems in circle:

Example 4:

Length of the diameter = 2 × length of the radius

Find the diameter of the circles whose radii are:

(a)2 cm(b)5 cm (c)4.5 cm


We have Diameter = 2 × radius

= 2×2cm

= 4cm

Diameter = 2 × radius

= 2×5cm


Diameter = 2 × radius

= 2 × 4.5 cm

= 9 cm

Problems in rectangle:

Example 5:

Area of rectangle: Length * Width)

Perimeter of rectangle=2(length+ width

Find the area of rectangle which length is 4 and breath is 7?

Area of rectangle: Length * breath



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